AlcoSense launches Lite 2 Breathalyser

Lite 2

Anyone motorists who are responsible will never think about driving after having a few drinks. However, alcohol does not leave the body even the next morning after a night of few drinks. It is surprising but true. Almost one in five drink-drive convictions take place in the following morning after the night before. Moreover, out of all the breath tests that Police conducts post accidents, a third of them fall between the time range of 7 am to 1 pm. \

“Studies show you are 13 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident when at the English and Welsh drink-drive limit, compared with being sober”. 

In order for you to be absolutely sure, AlcoSense has brought to you the Lite 2 breathalyser. It is the new entry-level personal breathalyser that helps you conduct a breath test so that you can be sure about the alcohol in you. 

“The responsible enjoyment of alcohol includes understanding when it has cleared your system,” says Hunter Abbott, managing director of AlcoSense Laboratories.

Design and functions

The Lite 2 Breathalyser is designed in the UK. It comes equipped with an upgraded sensor, simplified operation and a sampling system. This new device has introduced improved levels of reliability and precision to the under £50 sector due to the features and specifications it has. It makes use of the company’s latest semi-conductor sensor technology. Moreover, it boasts industry-leading accuracy in this price bracket of +/-0.20‰ BAC.

What’s new?

The upgraded Lite 2 in comparison to the original award-winning Lite provides better and clear results in a matter of seconds. It is also pretty simple to use. All you have to do is to turn the unit on and then wait for it to count down to zero. Once it reaches zero, blow until it beeps. It normally takes about six seconds. 

Moroever, it comes equipped with an adjustable warning system that triggers a ‘Don’t Drive’ alert. This is displayed on the screen as well as audibly. It can be set to the drink-drive limit in England, Wales and Northern Ireland – or the lower limit in Scotland and Republic of Ireland.

The company has also worked on improving the life of the breathalyser by introducing a cleaning system. This cleaning system removes oxidisation and contaminants from the sensor.

The Lite 2 also has a calibration reminder after 12 months or 300 tests. Consequently, it’s easy to remember to get it re-calibrated for on-going reliability. 

Why it is important 

The number of people killed in road accidents where the driver was over the drink-drive limit has risen 25% in the past two years. The latest figures, published by the Department for Transport in February, indicate there were 290 deaths in 2017 where alcohol was a factor – compared with 200 in 2015.

“A personal breathalyser helps remove potentially fatal guesswork when deciding whether to get behind the wheel the morning after you’ve consumed alcohol.

Pricing and Availability

Sleekly designed in striking white, the pocket-sized AlcoSense Lite 2 is now available priced £44.99 from Halfords or online at 

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