Does your birthday lie in the month of December? Do you think you miss out on gifts because your birthday and Christmas are so close together? Three knows the pain, and has made a video about it! Watch the film here.
It doesn’t just end there, there are gifts for you and your friends as well. Interested? Read on.
Oh, and there is cake too! Click the link above to head to Three’s Facebook page to find out more!
When Christmas Birthday’s are rubbish…make it right!
Watch the film here
- New research from Three mobile reveals 76% of people born at Christmas time wish their birthday fell during a different month
- Half think they receive fewer gifts with one in 20 claiming to have lost out on £10,000 in birthday gifts because their families and friends buy them less
- Three launches satirical ‘Merry Birthday’ film about a boy named Noel who has the misfortune to have a Christmas birthday. The film is part of a campaign to encourage people to make it right for friends and family with festive birthdays.
Let’s face it Christmas birthdays can suck – from the combined presents, nights out that don’t happen because everyone’s busy to the birthday cake that’s been replaced with a Christmas pudding. At least that’s the findings of a new survey by Three who reveal 53% of those with birthdays that fall over Christmas period think just this.
This is further exacerbated by a quarter (26%) of people with Christmas birthdays as they feel their siblings get a better deal on the present front with one in 20 claiming to have lost out on around £10,000 worth of gifts.
Just ask Noel
This frustration was the inspiration behind a new tongue-in-cheek Christmas film commissioned by Three which tells the story of Noel, the boy who just like many of those born in December, has lost his birthday to Christmas. Already and internet sensation with over 2.5m views, this follows his journey from being a baby, right through to teens showing the nuisances that his Christmas birthday brings.
Say it with cake
The film is part of a wider campaign where Three is looking to make it right for those with a Christmas birthday. In addition to asking people to say a big Merry Birthday to their friends or family via Facebook, they have enlisted the help of Great British Bake Off winner, Edd Kimber to kick off the celebrations with a specially designed Merry Birthday Pudding.
On first appearances this cake creation looks like a traditional Christmas pud, but break into the surface and you’ll realise what looks like dark fruit cake is actually a chocolate ganache and white chocolate cream façade that covers a colourful, sparkly sponge reminiscent of a delicious birthday cake. That’s not all – the centre is bursting with colourful sweets that scream Happy Birthday and not Merry Christmas.
Lianne Norry, Director of Brand and Comms at Three commented: “At Three we’re always looking for ways to make it right for people and our customers. We know that those born around the festive period often feel like their birthday’s are lost to Christmas so this year we’re changing that and putting December birthday’s back on the map by celebrating everyone in the UK that has a merry birthday in our new festive campaign.”
Three’s social pages are dedicated to everyone with Christmas birthdays for the whole month of December. People will have the chance to nominate their friends with December birthdays to win one of four Merry Birthday prizes and the network also has a few surprises up its sleeve for anyone whose born in December, so keep your eyes peeled for more.