Summer may be on its way out, but that doesn’t mean that the cocktails have to stop. The BAR10DER, featuring 10 tools that every bartender should have in his or her pocket, makes those drinks the top priority, and lets you get on the job.
Look and feel
While a comment on one of the websites stated that it should have been called the Swiss BAR-MY knife, it is actually a lot bigger than your average Swiss Knife. About double the size I’d say, both in length and width. However, the overall build quality is great, it feels good and solid in your hand, and all the tools work well despite being so tightly packed.
The BART10DER features the following tools:
While the above is fairly obvious, following are them in more details and my impressions:
To crush fruits, herbs, spices and more. This is particularly useful when you’re making something that features crushed ice, like a mojito. The device is perfectly balanced, and allows you to exert your force properly.
Lets you squeeze out the last trace of juice from your lemons, limes, and anything else that is citrus. Once again, the weight and grip is good for this to work perfectly.
Channel Knife
I found this particularly interesting. It lets you create twists, such as orange and lemon peel, or lets you scrape off bits of skin to give your drink that extra zest.
Oh yes, lets you measure 1 measure, or half a measure. Perfect for those ‘precise’ recipes.
The pair to the channel knife, which lets you peal off the skin into your drinks, or over your meals even!
Self explanatory really, but this sharp 4-inch blade lets you slice and dice your way through ingredients and garnishes.
Ah. I bet this was the one thing missing and somebody thought, no… you need to have something to stir. I jest, of course. The stirrer is obviously one of the most important tools to ‘mix’ any cocktail. Once again, the balance is perfect for this one.
Particularly like this one, as I didn’t have it with me before. A strainer to make sure none of the ice escapes into your drink. Particularly good for lemonades on a hot day.
Another self explanatory one!
Bottle Opener
Another self explanatory one, but of course, every bartender needs one!
What else is there?
The nice folks have also thrown in a recipe book for some popular cocktails, which also features some interesting twists on them too.
More information
For more information, visit the following link:
It is available at various online retailers, including Firebox,, Amazon, etc. and retails around the 20 quid mark.
What’s not to like! I love multitools that are functional, save space, and are reasonable in the cost department. Perfect for gifts too.