February 2013 on OxGadgets

By Sami Mughal

Just thought we’d put a little summary of how we’re doing and what has worked the best for us in the last month. This might become a monthly feature or it might fizzle away. Who knows.

In the process, we have lost one of our writers, and have gained two more. While they haven’t posted yet, we’d like to welcome them in our team and look forward to all they have to say. Some of the articles they are working on are very exciting! Find about them soon on our ‘Authors’ page.

As far as visitors and stats go, following are the stats:

Total page visits in February 2013: 18305 (an improvement of about 2000 from last month)

Our most popular hits were the following:

Review: Proporta Beachbuoy Waterproof Case for Nexus 7
Review: KeyCase Keyboard Case for Nexus 7
Free Giveaway: Keycase Keyboard Case for Nexus 7
Hire a bike at Oxford Train Station
Review: Sony Ericsson MW600 Bluetooth Headset

Search Engines: Most people come to us via Google, which is obvious. ‘Nexus 7’ is the keyword that gets the most hits.

Audience: Despite us focussing this on people of Oxford, most of our visits still come from the USA. This is normal, however, as we are, at the end of the day, a resource of information. UK comes second. Most of you use Firefox, followed by Chrome, followed by Internet Explorer, and there isn’t much different in the number of users that use either of these. Apart from the large amount who visit the website via PCs, it is good to see we’re equally popular on both Android systems as well as Apple systems.

We have also introduced the DISQUS comments system on the website so that not only can you track and see your replies better, you can also post your replies via your Twitter, Facebook and other such accounts. This provides a total social media integration for our website. Of course, the option to share the articles has always been there.

So that just sums up February for us. Did you like what you saw here? Would you like us to focus on anything in particular? Would you like to join our team of writers? Or would you like to get in touch with us for any reason? Give us a shout at contact@oxgadgets.com.

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