Technology in the Classroom in 2019: 10 Facts

Ever since there were formal classrooms, there was technology that was used to enhance the learning environment of the time. In the beginning, there were only books, slates and the ever-present blackboard.

During the 20th century, things picked up considerably and the amount of new tech that was being introduced seemed to grow exponentially. Using technology in the classroom became the norm and most classrooms started to gravitate towards using electrical aids like the overhead projector, tape recorders and even TVs.

Nearing the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, things really started to heat up and digital technology and the internet took over. All of a sudden, there was a surge in information and digital tools that educators and students could use.

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Today, no one can imagine a class where there is no form of technology in the classroom. Here are a couple of facts to mull over.

Not just a teaching tool anymore

In the past, technology was mainly used by educators to instruct their students. They presented their work and the students were only to take everything in. Today, students can use tech just as efficiently.

They are capable of using services that could provide quality coursework help. In short, they have 24/7 tutors and online expert writers available who can help them with dissertation, thesis, term papers, college essays and all other writing help that they need.

The world is changing fast

If you haven’t noticed it yet, everything is changing rapidly and one of the benefits of integrating technology in the classroom is that you expose your students to the communication tools of tomorrow. The sooner they know how to use the tools for the right reason, the better.

 One size does not fit all

Students are different and they will tend to study differently as well. One of the benefits of technology in the classroom is that you can provide an environment where all learners are catered for. They can use different tools to achieve the same outcome.

New learning experiences

Technology has changed the way students experience learning. There are more opportunities for spontaneity and teachers can whip up impromptu speech topics, or students can explore alternative tools to complete their assignments. They can now collaborate on a global scale and get insights from all over the world.

Working together

There used to be a time where teachers would dread giving out group work assignments. Sometimes, students would also not be very keen on working with others. Technology has opened a new world of teamwork and has encouraged teamwork and collaboration, two skills that are key in the 21st century.

Owning up to responsibility

When students receive proper digital citizenship training, they become more aware of the responsibility that rests on them. They take ownership of their devices and the new responsibility gives them the opportunity to make better decisions. In most cases, they can also develop a sense of value and appreciate what they have.

Teaching the teacher

Technology has brought with it a host of new skills that teachers and students need to acquire. Teachers have the advantage of life experience and there is a call on them to teach the students how to use their devices responsibly. It’s one thing to use technology, but being responsible with it is something completely different.

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Talk and chalk no more

Technology has changed the game in the classroom. The teacher is no longer the sole provider of information. Instead, the teacher has become a facilitator and now needs to manage the students and how they engage with the learning content. The teachers have become encouragers and advisers and need to coach the students instead of teach, per se.

It keeps students engaged

The kids in the classrooms of today have grown up with devices like cell phones and tablets. It is what keeps them engaged interested. It only seems natural that technology in the classroom follows suite. Aligning technology with where the students are, will assist in helping them learn as well.

Virtual Reality

This is one of the most exciting new technologies that teachers and students can use in the classroom. Demonstrations will never be the same again. Fieldtrips to distant countries and even planets are not science fiction anymore. With a couple of clicks, you could find yourself in the operating room or even navigate the body from the inside.


Looking back at where tech in the classroom began to where we are today, one can only imagine where technology will change education by 2028. Adaptive learning, AI and cloud-based learning are all future technologies that are already making a difference in schools around the globe.

Learning simulations will become more popular and they will start to replace teachers in certain areas. But students will have tools at their disposal that were never even dreamt about in the past. Diverse learning forms are beginning to pop up and in a few years’ time, they will begin to replace schools as learning will become more personalized. One thing is for sure. Technology is here to stay and the changes are only going to happen more frequently than in the past.

Author bio:

Connie Elser is a renowned technology expert who works mainly in education domain. She has experience of working with top-tier startups developing mobile apps and smart solutions to integrate technology with education. Her free time is spent reading spirituality books, playing lawn tennis and preparing vegan food for herself.

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