Reports Claim – All New Apple iPhones to Support 5G in 2020

Currently, 90% of the smartphone market is making use of the internet. Mobile data gained popularity as people began using their smartphones like personal computers. With the rise in the use of social media, everyone feels the need to have the internet on their phones. The main reason is to stay connected with friends and family. Companies started taking advantage of this and quickly progressed in providing mobile data services to customers. From edge to 3G to 4G and LTE the world quickly raced up the ladder to provide a fast solution to people’s internet needs.

The future of 5G and Apple

But the world did not stop at LTE. With the growing use of the internet on smartphones, it is becoming essential to improve the cellular network provided and the speed of the internet. Many companies are already working for the advent of 5G mobile data services. To keep up with this, mobile companies have started producing flagship models equipped with 5G data bands. Apple in competition its rivals is already working on it and quite accurate rumors have it that Apple will be releasing all of the smartphones in 2020 equipped with 5G network support.

It is believed that Apple won’t just equip the high tier models with 5G in Apple iPhones rather the slightly low-end models will also support 5G. This has become possible for Apple due to the decrease in 5G hardware costs. The three phones are expected to cater to the millimeter-wave 5G in the US and the sub-6GHz in the remaining part of the world. This will surely be better than the inefficient LTE services of today’s time.

Other features to complement 5G

Moreover, with the incredible 5G support, Apple will be playing with different screens sizes, targeting a larger consumer market. There are rumors that there will be a decrease in the notch size as well as the size of the True Depth camera. There are also speculations that the smartphones might have laser-assisted rear cameras. So, the 2020 update is expected to be significantly better than the 2019 update. 

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