Some heart-wrenching images from the Indo-Pakistan Partition 1947

The month of August is always festive for both Pakistanis and Indians. The independence days are celebrated with great zeal and zest across the length and breadth of both countries. Colorful flags and lights beautify all cities and villages alike. Celebrations take over the entire country. However, 71 years ago Indo-Pakistan Partition 1947 was lined with all blood and tears. It marked one of the most heart-wrenching events of the human history till date.

Here is a link to Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s speech on Partition 1947.

This blog is not much talk, it is all walk. It is a tribute to all those who lost their lives and pride while migrating to a new home during Partition 1947; leaving behind all they had to embrace a future which held only uncertainty.  We bring you some of the images from Partition 1947 so that you do not forget what your ancestors and this land went through in the making of Pakistan and India today.




Bloody Partition of India BBC Picture The street was short and narrow. Lying like the garbage across the street and in its open gutters were bodies of the dead





Newmedina1Partition 1947Partition

These images are just the dust of what this storm actually looked like. While celebrating the Independence day with all happiness and galore, do not forget what Partition 1947 looked like. What has been given up for this homeland is much higher than what we will ever be able to give back. Have all the fun, make the most of your August holiday but let these images from Partition 1947 be a part of your memory.

Move on but never forget. Value what you have but never forget what you lost.



3 thoughts on “Some heart-wrenching images from the Indo-Pakistan Partition 1947”

  1. The funny thing is, while India and Indians across the globe are out celebrating our independence, Britain seems to be in mourning over remembering its birth pains


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