The 3 Most Influential Tech Advancements in the Business Sector

Female office worker using touchpad
Female office worker using touchpad

Technology has made us a more connected, efficient, and communicative culture, and it has also impacted the way we conduct business. Advancements such as mobile technologies and cloud computing have allowed businesses to accomplish more in less time, but which technologies have made the greatest impact?

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Here are some of the most influential technologies in the business sector:

1. Mobile Technologies

Over the last decade there has been a sharp increase in mobile traffic online. In fact, just last year mobile traffic exceeded desktop traffic for the first time. Because of this, businesses are clamoring to optimize websites for mobile. Not only have mobile devices changed the way consumers interact with businesses, they have also had a critical effect on how employees work.

The age of the “traditional office,” where every employee has a PC at their desk, has come and gone. Today, mobile networks, tablets, and even smartphones allow employees to have a more flexible work schedule, while also making them more accessible outside of traditional office hours. And with apps like Skype and Google Hangouts, the typical central office is no longer necessary to stay connected with coworkers while collaborating on large projects.

Employees can now stay connected when interacting with customers, in transit, or while working remotely.

2. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has given companies the ability to track projects, backup data, and manage resources. Digital asset management (DAM), for example, is a form of cloud computing that allows businesses the ability to organize, store, and share files easily and efficiently. DAM can also provide businesses with a central library that employees, contractors, and even clients can access quickly and easily.

Another cloud computing capability, enterprise resource planning (ERP), enables companies to interpret data like costs, payments, inventory management, and more. This data helps businesses improve efficiency and productivity by leaps and bounds.

While ERPs help businesses interpret data, enterprise resource management (ERM) allows users to sign on to different systems and applications through shared access. Through ERM, a manager can set permissions for employees, allowing staff the ability to access information and collaborate within certain areas based on their designated permission levels.

3. Social Networks

While social networks were first used for individual connections, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram are being used to promote businesses and connect with potential consumers. Through business pages, companies can more easily tap into their audience base, connect with followers, and make improvements to their offerings based on the information gathered about their target audience. Here, they can also showcase products, discuss new services, and deploy modern, interactive marketing campaigns.

Many technologies have made companies more efficient and productive, and these listed above are just a few. Mobile technologies have changed the way consumers and coworkers communicate with a business, DAM software has made it easier for companies to streamline their business practices, and social media has allowed brands to connect more intimately with their customers.

As technology continues to advance, look forward to even more ways for businesses to create effective processes and build deeper relationships with customers.

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