Facebook announce Facebook Home

By Sami Mughal


After all the rumours, the statements, the renders, we finally have it from Facebook. A launcher that sits on top of your (as of now, only android) phone operating system. Dubbed ‘not an operating system’ but more than an ‘app’, this is something that will replace your lock screen as well as your home screen. The concept is simple, and is almost inspired by the likes of Blink Feed which HTC show cased for their HTC ONE. However, this means that the moment you wake up, your phone is nothing but a massive Facebook app. Your cover feed is what you get, your notifications right there, and of course, everything else that was part of your phone too. A seamless integration with Facebook also means that the Facebook experience is always available, keeping you as social as possible while on the move.


Also announced, is HTC First, which will be the first phone to come with Home pre-installed. The phone will be available in the US from April 12, while in the UK, EE have signed an exclusive deal meaning they’ll be able to sell it from this summer.


Other phones that can get the Facebook Home (as of now) are the HTC ONE X/X+, HTC ONE (future), Samsung Galaxy SIII/4, Samsung Galaxy Note II.  This will come in the form of an app, and will also be available from April 12th at the Play Store.

So, what do you, think excited yet? Whether you are or not, check out this video by them:

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Facebook Home

Read the complete press release, and more information about the complete experience at the following link:


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