This is for the ones who have a passion for the skies. Telescopes are an essential part of the kit one must possess to look up to the heavens. The main problem one has with buying a telescope is that there is such a wide variety of choice out there, and it is very hard to decide on one. This is where Skies Unlimited come in. This is a company that was formed by amateur astronomers to help fellow hobby astronomers, and they are there to offer their collective experience with buying and using telescopes to their users. They offer a direct phone number, as well as have a retail store where anyone can walk in for some good advice as well as browse different products.
They also have an ADVICE SECTION, which focuses purely on first-time buyers. They ask you simple questions, and in answering these you can guide yourself to making a good choice about what you need to buy. They even offer advice on dual purpose-telescopes, the sort that will let you observe things like birds, and nature, as well as the skies.
They also have telescopes for sale, and when you browse the immense choice of telescopes they offer, you will see that each type of telescope comes with its own description, the advantages and disadvantages it has to offer, the value you are getting for what you pay, the way it is built, the technology it uses, etc.
They also categorize these telescopes in terms of how much you want to pay, so you can choose a price range that defines your budget and go from there.
Apart from telescopes, they also offer information on, and sell, various related things, like accessories, tripods, lenses, books, charts, microscopes, weather stations, etc. They also have a newsletter which fills in on various new products and related news and information.
The only problem I find with Skies Unlimited is that it only sells to the US, but just for the amount of information they have to offer, I think it is a great website that offers a lot of information for any body who wants to start of as an amateur astronomer, and I’d visit the website just for that, even if I won’t be able to buy any kit from them.