Featured Kickstarter: The first few!

By Sami Mughal

We are going to start a new feature on the website, which will be called the ‘Featured Kickstarter’. This is a place where we shall be browsing and looking at various Kickstarter projects, mostly technology related, and feature some of them that excite us. If you don’t know what Kickstarter is, it is a very clever platform offered to entrepreneurs and companies alike, who have a wonderful idea or product, but need some financial backup to run the production line, or just produce. In return, the financial backers can be part of the experience, get a taste of the product, or simply get acknowledged in the credits. All this depends on the people who put the product up.

To begin with, here are some of the projects that excite us the most:

Wakawaka Power – Compact Solar Power Station and light


Wakawaka are a brilliant initiative who have managed to get a lot of power out of measly solar cells. Anybody nerdy enough to play with solar cells would already know that solar cells are hardly worth what they cost and the space they take. This device, however, promises to deliver a full charge on a smart phone, or many hours of light, after only one day in the sun. Unsurprisingly, they have already hit their required target, with 12 days to go (at the time of publishing this article).

One Tesla, The DIY Singing Tesla Coil


Tesla is a well known name among nerds, engineers and geeks around the world. This product not only takes his name, but also some of the many things he worked on and invented. It takes a regular tesla coil, and turns it into a toy. How good does it fair on health and safety? We don’t know, and frankly for something this exciting, it is something we would not be worrying about. It provides you the ability to build this kit yourself, which also makes the whole experience more gratifying. We’d definitely suggest checking this out, and even if you don’t throw any money towards the project, check out the videos and how cool this product is!

Affordable High Resolution 3d Printer


This project is already funded, but by far the most exciting thing we have seen so far on Kickstarter. This product promises not just a cheap 3D printer, but also one that is a high resolution one. This has not been possible in this price range before, and truly represents an exciting opportunity for most engineers.

Brain Controlled Helicopter


Another one that is already funded as well. While it promises much, one of the things that we’d like to emphasize on is reading the ‘Risks and Challenges’ section. As exciting as this is, the risks associated give you the limits of this research and product. This only flies in one direction. However, forget all that, this is a seriously exciting prospect for the future of mankind!

In the future we shall probably be doing this one project at a time. If you have a Kickstarter project of your own, or any other crowd funding based project, and would like us to feature it, get in touch and we’ll put in a good word you. You can use our email (contact@oxgadgets.com), Twitter (http://twitter.com/oxgadgets) or our About/Contact page to get in touch.

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