Free Live Online Coding Workshop Learn To Code At Home With Fuze4 Nintendo Switch


FUZE is holding a live and online Lear-to-Code workshop on the 2nd of June, 2020 at 2pm. This is their first live and online session ever since the pandemic came into our lives. You can join the online session using the link

This is the first session but is expected to become a regular series. It will be focusing on three fundamental principles of coding: Loops, Variables, and If Then statements.  

FUZE will be taking a very accessible, fun, and light-hearted approach to explain and discuss all of these. It aims to put out the word and understanding that the subject which is thought to be difficult and accessible only to uber-geeks and mathmagicians can be taken by those who don’t fall in both these categories. 

What it offers and to whom?

The UK Computing Curriculum majorly focuses on Coding and it is taught across all the important stages. Students who are of age 7 or beyond will benefit from a rudimentary understanding of the basic principles. For older age groups who are going to start secondary later this year will be able to get an idea about Computer Science. 

The stigma attached to coding and the many schools’ lack of motivation to students for the subject leads to a good number of young adults completely missing out on the opportunity to explore the subject. As a result, many adults simply just don’t consider a career option in coding. 

The workshop to be held by FUZE will not only benefit students but also their parents and grandparents as it will help them. It is highly recommended for them to attend the workshop even if they just watch and listen. 

In order to properly engage young students, FUZE uses a different approach. It uses videogame and programming techniques to teach coding. FUZE understands the importance of engagement and the impact it can have on learning and understanding. The fun environment can accelerate learning, and because the epiphanic moments are frequent, enthusiasm and motivation are all increased also.

You can do it without a Nintendo Switch or FUZE!

FUZE is keeping the workshops extremely informative. It also acknowledges that many beginners will be joining and so it takes a simple and easily understandable approach to explain things. They are also very visual, as programs and their results are shown on screen at all times. Viewers can even ask questions via live chat!

Visit on Tuesday the 2nd of June at 2 pm

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