3 Steps to Capture High Quality Screen Recording Videos

If you aren’t satisfied with the quality of the screen recording videos that you capture – why not do something about it? Although screen recording will record whatever is on your screen, there are several factors that can influence its quality that you need to be aware of.

screen capture recording videos

The good news is that all it takes to improve the quality of screen recording videos that you capture is three simple steps:

Record in the highest resolution possible

The resolution that you record your video in is the dimensions of the video in pixels. It directly corresponds with the frame that you are recording from your screen, which is why the maximum resolution that you can capture using screen recording is the full-screen resolution of your display.

By recording in the highest resolution possible, you should see a marked improvement in the definition of your video. Ideally, you should aim to record at a resolution of at least 1080p Full HD.

Increase the frame rate to 60 frames per second

The frame rate that you record your video in is the number of frames that are contained in each second of video. By increasing the frame rate, your video will look smoother and any movement that is recorded will look much more fluid.

The impact that frame rate can have on your video is very noticeable. Technically recording at 30 frames per second or higher is acceptable, but 60 will help you to really capture the best possible quality of the video.

Encode the video in the right settings

After the recording is complete, you should make sure that you encode it in the right settings. The format that you choose is up to you, and it is more important that the resolution and frame rate are the same as was used to record the video.

The other setting that is important when encoding videos is the bitrate. It will depend on the format, resolution, and frame rate – and needs to be high enough so the video quality remains good and compression artefacts don’t appear.

See how each of these steps will affect the quality of your screen recording videos? Adjusting them shouldn’t be an issue provided your screen recorder allows you to do so, and for example, you could use Movavi Screen Capture Studio.

The only caveat that you need to be aware of when recording high-quality videos is that it will require more processing power. If your system is struggling to record under normal conditions, increasing the resolution and frame rate of the recording could cause its performance to dip – which is the last thing that you want to be captured in your video.

All in all, however, the steps described above should help you to easily improve the quality of videos that you capture from your screen. It may help to tidy up the videos later with a bit of editing, but that may not even be necessary most of the time.

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