The horrors of a war

A war is only blood and pain!

Man, although believed to be a social animal, is, in reality, the ruthless of all animals. He leaves no stone unturned to capture every available opportunity and resource by any means. The same man says all is fair in love and war. Just to justify his own callousness, the man places war and love in the same category. Wars have been glorified ever since the history of mankind. Every living being loses its life during the war.

Although every living being loses its home during a war, we continue romanticising the history reminiscing us of the destruction; completely neglecting all the tears, pain and blood that came with it.

Let’s not glorify war!

Every soldier we celebrate as a martyr is a human before anything else. The mothers who lose their sons are made to believe that their child has done more service by dying than staying alive. Death is made to be worshipped just to justify this madness. Humans are made to ignore the sad aspect of the war and only focus on the glory of it. Nationalism is splattered on the face of people so that they can not think beyond it and turn a blind eye towards the misery and sadness a war brings to the humanity.

Who is the real beast?

Recalling a famous fairy tale ‘Beauty and the Beast’ we remember the beast looked like a huge bear with claws and a hairy body. We wonder why we humans do not understand that the real beast lies within us. It is not far away living in some jungle.

The horrors of wars

Hence today we decided to bring to you some haunting images from the battlefields across the world. These images are anonymous and we wonder if it even matters. A human misery is a human misery; be it in Mosul or Korea. A battle is a battle; be it in Afghanistan or Syria.




Do these children not deserve a happy constructive future?




Do not these eyes ask us a zillion questions through our heartless mounds of flesh and blood?


Despite our apologies for not bringing to you a happy morning, we hope you agree with the atrocities this horrendous event brings to mankind. Let’s cultivate more peace and fewer wars.

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