Micro-Content: How It’s Revolutionizing the Mobile Industry

Maybe you’ve heard the term micro-content and you don’t know what it means. On the other hand, maybe you know what it is but you’re not quite sure how to use it to your benefit. Knowing what this content is and how to leverage it can be as vital to your mobile marketing success as using the right mobile advertising platform.  Why? The reason is simple: as digital content continues to grow across platforms, micro-content becomes more relevant and valuable.

To start, you need to know what the term micro-content means or – more specifically – how experts define it in relation to content marketing. Essentially, micro-content is the small images, text and videos you see on social media sites. The micro images are used to attract the eye of viewers. The micro text (e.g. the tweet or the post) contains the actual content that the reader will then choose to click/share or not.

According to The Guardian, mobile video is revolutionizing the content industry, altering everything in the mobile industry from the bottom to the top. Its far-reaching effects are changing everything from creators to advertisers to infrastructure to interactions.

Gerd Leonhard, a futurist and one of The Guardian’s contributors, said that “We are no longer in the business of distribution, we are in the business of attention.”

Leonhard explained that a change is happening in the world’s telecoms infrastructure. The internet is shifting to a mobile world. He predicts that in five years, 80 percent of all web traffic will be mobile and that the three billion people expected to come online in developing countries, will be always-connected mobile device users; they’ll never be users of satellite or cable TV.

“Mobile video is inevitable because people are switching to mobile devices. The networks will need to be better to make that happen on a large scale. Operators that think of themselves as infrastructure companies have to start thinking of themselves as a platform,” Leonhard stated.

In other words, even though micro-content is small mobile-friendly content, in terms of business and advertising, this type of content is huge.

Micro-content is used across all social media sites and when you know how to master it, you can deliver your message to the right audience and cater to them.  Since social and mobile are leading the change, it’s important to remember this when building your content marketing strategy.

In order to integrate micro-content into a broader content marketing strategy, you need to apply the right type of content (e.g. text, images, video) to the appropriate social media platform. Your objective is to be a part of your target market’s daily conversation for the purpose of creating inbound links from social channels, in the hopes of driving traffic, leads and – with luck – business.

Your micro-content – whatever it might be – needs to be very short, concise, interesting, useful or helpful, and drive users to click or share your content. Ultimately, your aim is to keep your brand in front of your prospective customers. This is achieved by building trust and credibility.

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