Hexbugs are ready for Easter!



Missed out on some exciting toys (for your younger ones, well okay, for yourself!) this Christmas? Well you can use Easter as an excuse, or just not bother with an excuse. Hexbug, the micro robotic creates that include both autonomous and remote controlled bugs have announced their range of affordable gifts for both kids and yourselves.

The range includes the following:

  • Hexbug Battling Spiders (£49.99 for a twin pack, £29.99 for one) – featuring IR remote, these robots are fuelled with a futuristic voice, sound effects and battling capabilities. A hi-tech sensor measures each hit, giving a realistic recoil and physical response when hit or shooting.
  • Tagamoto Vehicles (£7.99) – a collection of motorised micro-sized cars which zoom around. The road sets offers a new code reading system to provide interaction between driver and vehicle.
  • Hexbugs Aquabots (£7.99, £12.99 with Fish Bowl) – water born micro robotic creature with smart fish technology, almost a bit like the pet goldfish in Red Dwarf! The fish propels itself to explore its environment, and offers the experience of having a pet fish without the mess!
  • Hexbug Nano V2 and Nano V2 Bridge Battle – the classics!

For more information, visit www.hexbug.com.

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