Goldgenie offer Gold Plating of your device

By Sami Mughal

Goldgenie iPhone 5 v2

What do you do if you have all the money in the world, and everything else to go with it? You expand even further. For the people who have it all, Goldgenie offer gold plating of your iPhones, iPads and even your gaming consoles. They do gold, platinum or rose gold almost anything, and even add Swarovski crystals if you wish.

While we live in austerity days, these people have quite surprisingly seen a rise in sales, and all kinds of people are going for this luxury form of personalization. Of course, their main customers include a lot of celebrities, so going for them only puts you among the highest crowd.

Goldgenie Mini iPad v2          Goldgenie Games Console v2

They have already had backing from the likes of James Caan on Dragon’s Den, as well as sell in shops like Harrods and Selfridges.

So if you’re interested, and have some cash spare, do go and visit them at

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