Total Recall : Total Inspiration

Watched Total Recall the other day, and was both surprised and amazed at how so many future films have been inspired by it.  Here are a few I can think of :
Two very obvious ones. The bug inside his head was much like the bug inside NEO, and  when the doctor is trying to allegedly take him back to reality, he offers him a blue pill, much like the red and blue pill of Matrix.
Bourne Trilogy:
Waking up, being constantly reminded that you are not who you are, but indeed a secret agent was done very well in the Bourne films.
 Paycheck, also shared a similar loss of memory thing.
Futurama: The mutants, living in an underground world.
Vanilla Sky, the famous Tom Cruise thriller also worked on the idea of being lost in a dream.
And I’d add Inception to the list too,but I guess there are enough differences between the two.
Men in Black: The aliens,  the mutants,  the fat lady he hides in, the gadgets, it all showed.
Here are some that I can think of.  Can you add any more? Also saw something in Portugal which had a guy watching a video of himself telling him ‘Don’t know who you are, but you are definitely not Mr so and so! ‘
And they are apparently making a remake too, with Colin Farrel playing Arnie. Saw the trailer, and not very keen on it myself.

3 thoughts on “Total Recall : Total Inspiration”

  1. I read the novelization of the film about 6 months before the film gets out. In the book, the part where Kuato probes into the mind of Quaid was a very weird and heavy going chapter. The film mostly skipped that… thankfully


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