Analysing the camera shy Raspberry Pi 2

The Raspberry Pi has done what no bit of electronics has done before. When announced, it sold a record number of units, killed the websites that were selling it, and has not seen the demand go down. A £30 bit of electronics that can run as a full computer? What is not to like!

The Raspberry Pi 2, faster, slicker, more powerful than the last unit was announced recently, with a lot of promise. The fact that there would be a free version of Windows to run on it made sure that even people who shy away from the ‘nerdy’ stuff may venture into the world of Raspberry Pi 2.

However, thanks to the Raspberry Pi’s social media campaign of taking selfies with the new Pi, a lot of people discovered an interesting bug. In their own words, it was ‘camera shy’, and seems to see a power cycle every time a xenon flash went on.

The blip you’re seeing here is what happens when you point a xenon flash at a Pi 2.
The blip you’re seeing here is what happens when you point a xenon flash at a Pi 2.

While the nitty gritty details are available at the link below, the simple fact of the matter is that the Xenon Flash causes enough disturbance to cause the blip you see above. What they do say is that it doesn’t damage your Rapsberry Pi in the long run, and that it only affects it in an isolated form.

All good though, but it could cause some interesting issues if you were in the middle of some hefty work.

Aww, look, how cute… let me take a selfie with it…

More information on this can be found at the Raspberry Pi website:

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