O Rangreza – review until episodes 20.

20 episodes of the drama O Rangreza have completed and here is our review.

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A lot of reviewers have failed to understand the prowess of Saji Gul’s writing in O Rangreza. Depicting the classic male hypocrisy in the various characters, Saji has masterfully exposed how misogyny becomes the root of many abusive relationships. We see how Sajal, broken hearted and torn as a result of her father as a failed role model, is unable to understand or appreciate love.

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She is unable to understand what love or affection truly means – she goes after what she does not understand. She appreciates what is a poor reflection of her father – someone like Wajeeh who is merely an authority figure who rejects her. She is replicating the relationship she had with her father. In Qasim, she finds a friend but she is unable to appreciate him mainly because he is unable to stand next to her on equal footing.

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Qasim admires her from afar and rarely speaks his mind in front of her. Yet when he finally loses his control, it is all for the wrong reasons. Instead of expressing his love for her, or speaking to her directly about the way that he feels and why he loves her, instead of choosing a path of compassion for his expression, Qasim chooses to slap her which makes me completely dislike him as of now.

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It is also another function of how there are different standards for men and women when it comes to even flouting the social code. Tipu is allowed to get away with many infractions rather helped and aided by Mammo as she gives him the papers to their home. When Sassi flouts the code, the society (including our audiences) hold her to a much higher and a much more stringent standard.

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It is also telling how some ‘reviewers’ have used the word ‘sissy’ for Tipu (absolutely abhor the word ‘sissy’) but fail to see how O Rangreza’s point becomes clear in a comparison between Tipu and Khayam. While both these men belong to different cultures and have had different experiences, the one thing they are absolutely alike in – is the aforementioned male hypocrisy.

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Watch the full review here and don’t forget to catch detailed reviews on Patari dot pk.

2 thoughts on “O Rangreza – review until episodes 20.”

  1. Really strange that you actually understood the theme. This is so sad that audience, even reviewers are at a total loss in understanding this drama.


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