Of religion and praying

I love Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, a comic series that explores both philosophy and physics, probably my two favourite things. Of course, to me things like gadgets and electronics come under physics, so there you go.

In fact, for me, SMBC are often better than XKCD, and they are published daily! I asked Zach Weinersmith, the artist who does this strip for permission, and he gladly said yes.

What Zach has really done here is nailed down the very nature of humans when it comes to praying. I know not all of you are religious, I for am not, and some people don’t even believe in religion. However, I have noted, both in this country, and much more in Pakistan, how people start getting more religious as they grow older. Seemingly it all comes down to probability of death!

Without further ado, I present the following.



You can read the comic at the following link:


You can also join a forum there, and discuss this, and other comics there among like-minded fans!

I do hope to add more comics here, just to start a discussion, though I guess you will mostly see the likes of XKCD and SMBC here.

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