Online filtering, the sneaky enemy…

The internet is wonderful. There is no question about that.

However, thanks to a random comment on my blog contact page, I have come across this link:

I would recommend a view, and a read of the comments underneath as well if possible. It comes with subtitles and everything, so hopefully it should not be a problem.

I was also asked my comments on the matter.

I grew up in Pakistan, and it is almost common knowledge that most you are told there is what you are ‘supposed to know’ rather than ‘entitled’ to know. History has been written by the rulers of the country, religion has been mixed with culture, and culture has been made this big thing, and aah well, I better not start.

So, yeah. In a weird way, I am used to being presented filtered information. Luckily perhaps, I have also learnt to notice the signs, and possibly filter the information out, and look at false information as a cynic.

Does that mean all this is correct? Of course not. It isn’t. Does it restrict our quest to gain knowledge? Yes it does. Is it fair? Of course not!

What to do about it though? I most probably don’t have the answer to that, but it is sometimes easier than we think it is.

Keep your eyes open. Make sure you have more than one source. Be open to different ideas. Be a sceptic. Question everything. I know it is a lot more effort, but hey, the internet is controlled by the same people all other media are controlled by. It may seem more open and honest, but hey, internet is what created all those old pervert men pretending to be innocent girls on chat rooms. Internet gave lying a new platform. And sadly, it is around us. And then there are the internet trolls, the people who are intent on blindly making everyone sharing the same opinion as them, or be condemned to internet hell.

A disappointing verdict, I am afraid, but hey, this is how things are. Be careful of what you absorb. And be safe!

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