How times have changed: 5 ways to use technology to keep children engaged 

For children and teachers, there has perhaps never been a more exciting time to learn. Advances in technology now mean that UK classrooms can buzz with creativity and innovation and with companies like Hope Education supplying a wide range of educational supplies including laptops, projectors and TVs to schools, pupils have access to a greater range of resources than ever before.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at five ways technology can be utilised to keep children engaged and stimulated in school:

  1. Video streaming

    Whether you’re trying to teach a lesson or explain something important to your youngster at home, video streaming could be the way forward. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, but by showing kids interesting, relevant and engaging footage you could initiate intriguing and thought-provoking discussions and debates.

    The best way to use video in a lesson is to introduce a topic/theme by playing a clip before starting a brainstorming activity or a group activity. Showing a section from a popular movie is sure to go down well or you could start the lesson with a YouTube song to catch people’s attention.

Using video is also great if you are teaching English as a foreign language, as it will reduce teacher talking time and allow students to link what they see on the screen with certain vocabulary.

  1. Recorded presentations

    If you’re a teacher, you’ll know that many kids withdraw into their shell and recoil in fear at the very word ‘presentation.’ This is because speaking alone at the front of the class might fill them with fear, so rather than sending their anxiety levels through the roof, why not ask them to make a video presentation based on a certain topic? Allow them to use the video apps on their smartphones, tablets and computers – or even provide them with adequate video-making equipment – and let their imaginations do the talking. At the end of the week, hold a viewing lesson and let the whole class watch what their classmates have done.

  2. Create a photo montage

    All kids love gluing and sticking, which is why collage making activities go down well, both at home and in the classroom. Rather than just asking children to use regular magazine and newspaper cuttings, however, why not make the most of technology by asking them to take and print their very own photos, which can then be turned into a collage? This will keep them engaged from the start, as the pictures they take will mean more to them than another person’s image. It will also encourage them to think outside the box and be as creative as possible.

  3. Set a research project

    Research is an important life skill, so if you want students to find out more about a particular topic, set them a technology-based research project. If you’re studying the Ancient Egyptians, for example, give them a set of ten questions and ask all students to use the computers, laptops, PCs and phones provided to research the information. You can then put all gadgets away at the end and discuss the findings.

  4. Make the most of apps

    There are many educational apps available these days, so how about finding something suitable and incorporating it into your lesson plan or the activities you do at home with your own children? A City Through Time, for instance, is the perfect way for young eyes to see what London was like in years gone by and offers everything from historic timelines of important events, to maps, 3D drawings of London’s famous buildings and historical photographs which can act as a visual prompt for further discussions. Similarly, Wordflex Touch Dictionary will also help children to develop their vocabulary and pronunciation, allowing teachers to print or share word posters via social network sites.

Technology is an important part of education these days – delivering an excellent means of inspiring enthusiasm and creativity, whilst providing a portal of endless knowledge at the push of their fingertips.


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